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1 recording for $10
3 recordings for $20
10 recordings for $50

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Since subconscious programming plays a large role in our lives, I believe that teaching individuals self-hypnosis is integral to self-care.

What is self-hypnosis? According to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, it is “a state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.”

How can self-hypnosis help? Practicing self-hypnosis can help stop undesirable habits and replace those with healthy habits, as well as help one reach desired health goals, prevent or decrease physical pain, reduce stress and tension, and decrease anxiety and depression.

There is a collection of self-hypnosis recordings available for download below. Your first recording is free (use code ZCYVDH2 at checkout) and there are discounts for multiple recordings.

There is also a free meditation below for veterans and community heroes.